His first wife was Rachel Husted; their children who lived to adulthood were my ancestor Zachariah (b.c.1806), Ezekiel (b.c.1810), Alfred, Abel (b. 1815), Martin, Rachel German Soule (b.1818) and Gertrude (Gitty) German Lynch Walker (b.c.1823).
Rachel Husted died on June 27, 1832. She was the daughter of Jethro Husted and Rachel Brewer, who both died in Stanford, Dutchess County, NY in 1835. Rachel Brewer Husted's probate records say "...the said deceased has left...her Children, and Zachariah Germond, Ezekiel Germond, Alfred Germond, Abel Germond, Martin Seaman Germond, Rachel Germond, Gitty Germond, all of the western part of the state of New York, her grandchildren, being children of Rachel Germond, a deceased daughter of the intestate."
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Probate record for Rachel Husted, naming her grandchildren by Rachel Germond: Zachariah, Ezekiel, Alfred, Abel, Martin, Rachel and Gitty. |
Jethro Husted's grandchildren by Isaac and Rachel German each inherited a 1/63 share of his 316 acre farm located in Stanford, Dutchess County, NY. The deed records in Poughkeepsie show the subsequent sale of this land to Allen Husted of Stanford. Allen was their first cousin through grandfather Jethro Husted then uncle Ezekiel Husted, and co-executor of Jethro's estate:
May 25, 1836 by Abel German of Prattsville to Allen Husted for $110
May 25, 1836 by Zachariah & Polly German of Prattsville to Allen Husted for $110
June 18, 1836 by Ezekiel & Betsey Ann German of Roxbury to Allen Husted for $95
March 15, 1840 by Ebenezer & Rachel Soule of Prattsville to Allen Husted for $130
October 21, 1844 by Gitty German of Prattsville to Allen Husted for $130
January 20, 1849 by Martin Germond of Stanford to Allen Husted for $200
We haven't found a record of the sale of Alfred German's share.
All of these deeds describe the land as "the equal undivided one seventh of one ninth part of the farm of land lying and being in the Town of Stanford aforesaid and formerly owned by Jethro Husted now deceased..." One-seventh represents each of Rachel Husted German's seven children, and she was one of nine children of Jethro Husted.
The sale of Rachel Soule's and Gitty German's shares each occurred about the time they reached age 21, which may hint that Martin Germond was born c. 1827. Supporting this, an 8/24/1848 deed of sale between Martin and a Nicholas Husted (also regarding Jethro Husted's farm) says that Martin's guardian executed a prior transaction on Martin's behalf on January 1, 1848. It seems likely that Martin turned 21 sometime prior to 8/24/1848. Martin and his guardian were both living in Dutchess County, so it may be that Martin was turned over to a friend to raise after his mother died when he was about 5 years old.
"German" and "Germond" were used interchangeably for the family at this time. Isaac was using "German" by 1810, but his Husted in-laws knew them as "Germond" while the deed records used "German" (One of Martin's used "Germond").
On September 20, 1831 Isaac bought Lot 4 in the northern half of lot number 42 in Great Lot 20 of the Hardenburgh Patent. He sold the same lot to Zadock Pratt on September 24, 1832.The deed records in the Greene County clerk's office say that Isaac, Zadock and the lot were all located in Windham, Greene County because Prattsville Township was not created from Windham Township until March 31, 1833.
The Lower Cemetery (also known as the Benham or the Pratt cemetery, lat 42.320401, lon -74.435468) in Prattsville contains a headstone with this inscription: Rachel, wife of Isaac German, d. June 27, 1832, aged 49y3m9d. This would make her date of birth March 18, 1783. This stone is the first row, the second one on the far left side as you face the graveyard from the road. The Husted family tree includes a Rachel who was born April 18, 1783; in combination with the list of Rachel's children and their inheritances this is certainly the same person.
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Rachel Husted, first wife of Issac F German - Pratt Cemetery, Prattsville, NY |
Isaac's second wife was named Jane. They were married c.1833 or 1834, and had four children.
During the 1840's Isaac lived at Lot 34 of the Northern Division of Great Lot 19 of the Hardenberg Patent. This lot is located in Roxbury Township, Delaware County, New York. It is about 4 or 5 miles southwest of the village of Prattsville, on the east side of Cal Grant Road, south of Johnson Hollow Road.
Here's a listing of Isaac and Jane's family from the 1850 census of Roxbury:
1561 GERMAN Isaac F. 72 M Farmer NY Jane 49 F NY Charles 16 M NY at sch Albert 10 M NY " James 8 M NY " Amanda 5 F NY "
The 1865 New York census shows Issac living with Jane and their children Albert, Amanda and James:
Note: the 1865 census designation of "Army" means only that James H German was reported by Isaac or Jane. It appears they were not yet aware that he died as a POW in 1864.
On October 31, 1864 Jane German purchased a part of lot 48 in the village of Prattsville, using the proceeds of James' bounty from enlisting, according to her 1868 application for a Civil War mother's pension. The deed record in Catskill, Greene County, describes this lot as bounded on the north by Charles Churchill, on the east by John Van Duesen, and on the south by the Huntersfield Road. We do not know why Jane purchased this lot without Isaac, as the 1865 census indicates he was living with her in Prattsville, but it was possibly due to his poor health.
In 1868 Jane applied for a Civil War mother's pension based on James' death; the claim states that Isaac died on January 20, 1866. She was awarded $8 per month retroactive to James' death on June 1, 1864:
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Jane German's claim for a Civil War Mother's Pension |
Elsewhere in the application it says Isaac was about 83 years old when he died, and "for five or six years before his death...he was unable to labor and support himself & wife. That he appeared to have no particular disease other than old age and decrepitude."
It's interesting that all of the letters and affidavits written by Prattsville inhabitants use the name "German" for Isaac, Jane and James, while all of the official government responses use "Germain".
The Greene County Atlas of 1867 contains a city map of Prattsville, NY which shows Mrs. J German living on Washington Street, south of C. Churchill and west of J. Van Deusen. This is certainly Jane German.
Also appearing on this map: Mrs. P. German (Zachariah German's first wife, Polly, who was Isaac's daughter-in-law, ancestry.com misreads this as Mrs. R. German), E. Soule, husband of Isaac's daughter Rachel German, and L. Howard, father of Willson Howard, who married Zachariah and Polly's daughter Mary Jane German.)
We do not know where Isaac and Jane are buried.
Isaac F German and the 1810 - 1865 Censuses
The 1810 US census shows an Isaac German living in Greene County with one adult female and two males less than 10 years old. These could be Rachel (age 27), Zachariah (about age 4) and Ezekiel (newborn).
The 1820 census shows an Isaac German living in Roxbury Township with an adult female age 26-44. Rachel was 37 years old at the time. Living with them were two males age 10 to 15, which could be Zachariah (age 14) and Ezekiel (age 10). Also living with them were two males less than 10 years old, which could be Abel (age 5) and Alfred. Also living with them was a female less than 10 years old, which could be Rachel (age 2).
The 1830 census shows an Isaac German living in Windham, Greene County (prior to March 31, 1833 Prattsville was in Windham Township). There was one adult female age 40 to 50; Rachel would have been 47 at the time. Living with them was one male age 15 to 20 (Ezekiel would have been 20), one male age 10 to 15 (Abel would have been 15). Also living with them were two females age 5 to 10; at the time Rachel would have been 12 and Gitty would have been 7 years old. Also living with them were one male (Martin?) and one female both less than 5 years old, and one male age 30 to 40, about which we have no speculation.
The 1840 census shows an Isaac German age 60 to 70 living in Roxbury Township with an adult female age 40 to 50 and four children all less than 10 years old. After Rachel’s death in 1832 Isaac married a woman named Jane (born c.1800) and began a second family. The children included Charles, b.c.1834 and Albert, b.c.1840. By this time, Zachariah was 34, Ezekiel was 30, Abel was 25, Rachel was 22 and Gitty was 17 years old.
The 1850 census shows Isaac living with Jane and the children in Roxbury Township, Delaware County.
The 1850 census shows Isaac living with Jane and the children in Roxbury Township, Delaware County.
The 1855 census shows an Isaac F German in Roxbury Township with Gitty German Lynch Walker and her husband, Daniel Walker. At this time Isaac would have been about 75 years old. This census, and the 1865 census, says he was born in Dutchess County.
The 1860 and 1865 census show Isaac living with Jane. In 1860 they were in Roxbury Township in Delaware County. In 1865 they were in Prattsville in Greene County. Isaac died on January 20, 1866.
Jethro Husted Probate Records - Dutchess County, NY
Jethro Husted of Stanford, Dutchess County, NY died on May 7 1835, in June his son Matthew and grandson Allen Husted applied to be appointed as administrators of his estate. One document in the probate records says that:
"...said deceased has left Rachel Husted his widow, of Stanford,....and Zachariah, Ezekiel & Alfred Germond, & four others whose names are unknown to your petitioners, children of Rachel Germond a dec(eased) daughter of testator who all, as your petitioners believe, reside in the western part of this state."
This document also says that Jethro had a son, Joseph Husted, living in Delaware County. In 1830 Isaac and Rachel German lived in Greene County (where Prattsville is), in 1840 Isaac lived immediately west of there in Delaware County.
Undocumented note supposedly found in a book, regarding Jethro Husted:
This document also says that Jethro had a son, Joseph Husted, living in Delaware County. In 1830 Isaac and Rachel German lived in Greene County (where Prattsville is), in 1840 Isaac lived immediately west of there in Delaware County.
Undocumented note supposedly found in a book, regarding Jethro Husted:
Brought Husted Hollow Farm, Bloomville (then township of Goldsborough, later Kortright), Delaware Co., NY in 1803 from Goldsborough Banyar "in consideration of the sun of Four Hundred and Thirty seven pounds four shillings to him in hand."
Farm probably developed by his son Joseph.
Email received 1/30/2018 from Richard DiNardo through wikitree.com:
My Grandmother, Millicent D. Husted, was the last Husted born on our family farm in Bloomville, Delaware County, NY. That farm ("Husted Hollow") had been purchased by our murtual ancestor, Jethro Husted of Stanford, NY in 1803, for his son Joseph I. Husted, who is buried in Bloomville. I saw Jethro's overgrown gravestone in Stanfordville, NY 15-20 years ago. Jethro bought the farm from Goldsborough Banyar (a wealthy NYC merchant), & the deed still existed in the Bloomville land records, which I saw 30+ years ago. The farm stayed in the Husted family, passsing from Joseph I Husted to Col. Griffen Clarence Husted, Griffen Clarence Husted II (all buried in Bloomville), and finally to Charles Griffen Husted, my great-grandfather. During the depression, sections of the farm were sold off to pay taxes until nothing was left. C.G. Husted then moved to the Bronx, NYC where he worked in a local dairy and ran "Husted Farm Agency" realtors which may have been started by his father in Bloomville. The Bloomville farm was still a working dairy farm when I last saw it 4 or 5 years ago. It lay at the end of "Husted Rd." which was changed to "Crow Rd." In the Delaware County Historical Society, there is a 1-room school house that used to sit on the Husted Hollow farm. My grandmother was not schooled there, however, b/c by then they had moved to nearby Stamford, and leased the farm out to tenants. It was called Husted Hollow, because it is shaped like a big bowl, with a river through the middle. My grandmother remembers that the milkhouse sat over the river with holes in the floor so the metal milk cans could sit in the cold water & not spoil. My grandmother says they left Bloomville not only b/c of the Depression, but also b/c the Ku Klux Klan was very active there in the 1920's & '30s & threatened my great grandfather b/c he had hired black employees & because he may have leased his farm to Italian immigrants. My great aunt still had nightmares about the Klan from her childhood well into her old age.
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